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Flexible working options open up the door to recruit a high calibre B2B Sales Director

Poor results from traditional recruitment channels

Having recently recruited a new marketing director into their business, the client, an executive coaching consultancy, were now keen to recruit a sales director. Due to the nature of their business they had an excellent network and had been actively using this network, alongside traditional recruitment methods to search for candidates. Their requirements for a sales director were not very complicated: good sales experience in consulting services, but they were disappointed with the quality of CVs that they were reviewing. No-one was hitting the mark.

The client was familiar with CJ. Talent’s work, and approached them to help recruit a sales director because they were aware that the talent pool available to CJ. Talent was large, high quality, and offered something different to the usual channels.

Adapting the spec for flexible working

The client was already aligned with CJ. Talent’s way of thinking – that flexible working is a strong business enabler – and a number of the client team already worked flexible hours or from home. For this new hire, the client also saw that flexible working was a viable commercial option, they were offering a four day working week, autonomy and home working. CJ. Talent helped evaluate the job specification and requirements including reviewing the salary and adding more detail to the flexibility options. Within days CJ. Talent was able to present CVs to the client, and they were seriously impressed with the calibre of candidates, and the quality of experience that was being demonstrated. The client found it hard to narrow the options down, but eventually moved to interview stage and made a successful offer to an outstanding female candidate.

Money isn’t the only motivator

The candidate had previously been in a senior, well paid sales role with a FTSE 100 global software consulting firm. She was on track for a significant promotion and an impressive bonus. So why was she registered with CJ. Talent? Ideally she wanted to work with an organisation whose cause she believed in and where she could make a big impact, not just be a small fish in a large pond. However, she didn’t want to take the high risk approach of going out to market and looking for a new role. She was registered with CJ. Talent because she trusted their confidentiality and knew that their roles would closely match her wants and needs. She was extremely pleased to be approached and to explore the opportunity presented because she was passionate about working in this area, and excited about the closer, more integrated team she would be working with.

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